As a self-funded Church, everything we do is made possible by the generosity of those who give and donate. Your donations help us to continue our mission and support the community through various programs and initiatives.

As a church, we are committed to serving our local community and making a positive impact on those around us. Our outreach programs include:

  • Food Hampers: Emergency food assistance to families and individuals in need, ensuring they have access to nutritious and healthy food.

  • Parent and Toddler Group: Safe and fun environment for parents and their young children to socialise and make new friends.

  • Community baby pop-up clothes shop: Free essential clothing for babies and young children on set days throughout the year to support families in need and alleviate financial burdens.

  • Cafe Mornings: Inviting community to join us for a cup of tea or coffee and some conversation.

  • Writing Club: Providing a space for individuals to explore their creative side and express themselves through writing.

  • Keeping it all going: Staff and building renovations and upkeep costs

  • Other programs and initiatives tailored to meet the specific needs of our community.

We also support Open Arms Romania, a non-profit organisation founded by members of C4 Church, with the mission to provide resources and assistance to those in need in Romania. Our efforts include visiting inmates and sharing the message of Jesus with them, providing medical supplies for individuals who can't afford it, supporting local churches and much more. Get involved and be a part of this meaningful cause.


Here are our account details for you to give electronically through online banking if you feel able:

Account Name: North East Derbyshire Christian Fellowship

Account Number: 00049318

Sort Code: 309193

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 

– 2 Corinthians 9:7

Why is giving important?

As followers of Christ, we are called to be generous and give back to God a portion of the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Giving to the church is not just an act of charity, but an act of worship and obedience to God's command in Malachi 3:10 to 'bring the full tithe into the storehouse.'

When we give to the church, we support the vital work of spreading the Gospel, caring for the poor and marginalised, and building up the body of Christ. Our offerings also help to sustain the day-to-day operations of the church and allow us to reach out to our community in meaningful ways.

As you prayerfully consider your giving, remember that it is not the amount that matters, but the attitude of the giver. God looks at the heart, and He is pleased when we give generously, cheerfully, and with the understanding that all we have comes from Him.

Let us be faithful in our giving, knowing that it is an act of worship that brings glory to God and blesses His kingdom.